X marks the spot. Shellie had a treasure hunt for the kids for each day we were at the beach and the last day the treasure was a real buried treasure. The kids had a lot of fun following the clues and racing to find the treasure.

Kiera looking out at the beach

In the back yard of the beach house we stay'd at there was a fire pit so we sang songs and made smore's. This is where Kiera had her first smore's experience.

Can't go to the beach without getting a shot at the sunset

This picture just turned out really cool. It looks like Mary and Michelle are actually in the waves.

Kiera learning how to play tether ball

I caught Ryan and Michelle taking a picture of themselves.

Ethan and Daddy. The sun was a bit bright for Ethan.

Run away! The waves weren't Kiera's favorite.

Ryan, Michelle, and Mary as Ryan takes another run with the skimboard.

Dan got to fly his pirate ship kite. The weather was just right.

Michelle looking cute as always

Ryan an Dan threw the football around

Another beautiful sunset just further away.

Grandpa Glenn

Grandpa Glenn and Kiera get ready to catch the football. They did catch it too! Nice catch Grandpa.

Grandma with Timmy and Kiera.

Kiera enjoying the freedom to get wet and dirty! She also decided to bend over and take a sip of the water. Boy was she in for a surprise!
We had a lot of fun and will cherish the memories we made while we were there. Thank you Shellie and Bob for making it possible.