4 weeks ago
Thursday, October 30, 2008
We've got the GIGGLES!
Kiera is always making us laugh. She even gets her little brother giggling. The other night while I was making dinner the two kids were in their high chairs snacking and Kiera started the fun. I grabbed the camera and took some video. Hope you get a smile out of it. GIGGLES VIDEO
Our little Sailor
Kiera taking after mommy
Kiera is taking after he mother. She loves to color these days and hardly a day goes by with out her asking for "colors please" I've posted this video of her exploring her creative side. She is so into what she is doing, that she doesn't even look up at me and the camera. Go Kiera! taking_after_mommy_with_her_artwork_
Halloween Fun

Last night was our ward trunk-or-treat so I thought it would be a good chance to get some pictures before the caous began. Kiera went as a lion and Ethan went as Winnie the Pooh. They were really cute! I decided I wanted to dress up too so I made some wings out of some wire hangers and some knee high nylons that I never wear. They turned out well and when Kiera saw them she had to put them on too so there are a couple of pictures of my little fairy princess whose hair looks like she just got up. Dan went as "something." He wore his grandpa's old leather jacket and one of his old dress hats (the kind that comes in a special hat box). I will try to post some more video and pictures later on as well.
Art Project
Kiera and Mommy started a paper mache project the other night. It turned out really messy and the kitchen floor ended up as a huge lake of goop, but it was fun. Kiera had a lot of fun getting messy too. Art project video
Monday, October 27, 2008
Here's a video to check out of Kiera. We caught her jumping on her mattress like a trampoline. But she wasn't just jumping on her bed... take a look.
Here's a video to check out of Kiera. We caught her jumping on her mattress like a trampoline. But she wasn't just jumping on her bed... take a look.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Christmas Dresses

For Christmas I decided I'd make Christmas dresses for my niece and daughter. I just finished today. They turned out fabulous. I had a bit of trouble figuring out the zipper. But after I got the first one, the second was a breeze. I just wish Christmas was closer! Now I have to keep looking at them wishing they could wear them right now and I could be receiving more compliments on them. Yes, I know I am so selfish. I learned a lot doing them and the second dress went sooo much faster than the first. I hope the girls enjoy them as much as I do. Now it is on to my next project.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Protect Marriage!
I don't usually put political things on my blog but I did feel that this is very important. It is so scary to raise our children today. My sacred role as a parent, and my solemn duty to protect and teach them is constantly being attacked. Please watch this video. It has a very important message.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Goin' to the Pumpkin Patch

It was a lot of fun!
Doesn't Kiera look like she's having fun!

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
fun update
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