Today was a busy day! It was full of phone calls to lenders, visiting teaching, runs to the bank, more phone calls to lenders, making copies, printing home offer paperwork, laundry, dishes etc. It was good to be busy but at the same time it was really tiring. My favorite part of the day was when we all settled down and had Family Home Evening. It was so relaxing to sit around the table together and spend some quality time.
Tonight for family night we did a little craft project. I love crafts and I will do anything in my power to help my children learn the joys of being artistic and crafty. The great thing though was that it was all Dan's idea!
While Dan was away on business he happened to pick up some airplane model kits for the kids at an aerospace museum in Portland. He is such a good daddy and he lets us know that he thinks about us while he is away from home. Anyway, he decided to give one of the kits a try for a Family Home Evening activity. Kiera had the privilege of wearing mommy's beloved Red Sox t-shirt from her college days as a painting smock and went to town! She absolutely loved painting the larger pieces of Balsa wood, while mommy painted the smaller ones in a different color. Kiera chose her color herself. What better color than PINK! Dan held the pieces while Kiera painted away. I think more paint got on Kiera than the wood but she actually did a really good job!
Ethan was a little small for the activity but he kept busy in his high chair playing with some odd kitchen tools. Over all the activity was a success and the plane turned out really cute!