Yesterday was Ethan's Preschool Field Trip to Jungle Playland in a town North of us. It is a longer drive than I am used to taking but whenever we go it is well worth it. Kiera was disappointed to find out where we had gone during the day while she was at school but to be honest, it was nice only having to chase one kid around.
Emma also enjoyed herself and I am sure she would have loved it even more if I was up to playing with her in the ball pit but unfortunately our first run down the waterfall slide resulted in a bruised tail bone for mom. OUCH! I am still paying for it.
Here are a few pictures from our outing:
I am still trying to figure out the best setting on my camera for indoor shots under florescent lighting. I had to doctor up these shots with a few noise filters on Photoshop to get rid of the pixels. Any suggestions?
And here's a shot of Miss Emma getting into my freshly organized shoes later that day. She seemed pleased with herself.
4 weeks ago