On Friday we decided to go to the Everett Imagine Children's Museum. They have free admission every third Friday of the month from 5:30-9:00 p.m. We had a lot of fun and plan on going again when it isn't as crowded. Kiera had the most fun and it was hard for her to leave when it was time to go. When we got to the car we asked her what she saw and the one thing that she remembered the most was "the cow." We don't know if that is because that is one of the things she saw on their website before we went that night and she was concentrated on that one thing or if she just loves cows. Anyway, we got lots of photos of her exploring. Ethan played with a few things but the museum was mostly geared towards older kids so he just stayed with daddy and watched all the action going on with ALL THE PEOPLE! It was very very busy.
Here's mommy and Ethan posing for the camera. Ethan was more interested in the linking blocks than he was in Daddy and the camera. But you can tell by the look on his face that he is having fun.

They had an animal clinic room when the kids could pretend that they were veterinarians and they had little kennels and a wash table and x-ray machines and stethoscopes and a computer and keyboard. Anything you could think of being in a real animal clinic they had only kid size. Kiera had fun putting all the animals into one kennel so they could all sleep together. She even gave them a blanket to sleep with.

There are three floors to the museum but the top floor was closed when we went so we'll have to go back to see what's up there. Downstairs they have a bunch of huge classrooms where they set up workstations with crafts and blocks to play with. These blocks were cool because they stacked up inside of each other.

The best room downstairs was by far the "construction room" The ENTIRE room was filled with these white foam blocks that were covered in a sort of pleather material. There were kids making full sized igloos, chimeneys, giant towers, and kids were burying each other in them. There were sooo many of these blocks. It almost made me wish we had a room full of them too. Kiera could have stayed in there for hours! It was lots of fun.

This isn't a very good picture but they had a glow in the dark room that was all black light. Kiera is putting these glowsticks into a peg board on the wall. It was pretty neat but it was a little too crowded to stay in there very long.

Daddy and Ethan. Aren't they sooo cute!

They had a IMAGINE AIR airplane that was equipt with a pilots seat with all the controls. They had passenger seats and overhead stoaway bins, flight attendant station, and Kiera's favorite Luggage compartment. It was really cute! The kids could talk over the intercom up to the pilots chair, and could fly the plane. What fun!

Similar to the Portland Children't Museum, they too had a "water room." It would have been a lot more fun if some of the parents would have controled their older children better. They were getting everyone wet and being very roudy around the little kids. It didn't make it very fun. Oh well, maybe next time. At least I got a couple pictures.

And last but not least, Kiera's beloved cow! It was inside a red barn and the teets on it actually squirt water into the bucket. It was funny to see Kiera crawl right underneath and automatically go and pull on the teets. I don't remember anywhere she would have seen that done before. Perhaps she had see some other kids do it first and I was just too slow to see.

We will definently have to go back again on a slower day so we can spend more time exploring and taking our time instead of having to worry so much about letting the other kids have a turn. It was a fun Family Night/Date Night. Oh and we went out to eat at Burger King! Got to love them Kids Meals!