Wednesday, February 11, 2009

night time photos

Pretty near bedtime last night the kids followed me into the bedroom and we were just hanging out. I decided to pull out my trusted camera and catch a few poses with my babies. Our room doesn't have a whole lot of lighting so that is why they are sort of dark but they still turned out pretty good I think. Whenever I used the flash it seemed to drown out our faces too much. I love my babies! The last photo is one I caught of Ethan playing with Dan's racquet ball racket case. He thought it was pretty cool. Please feel free to leave comments on any of my posts. I love reading them and it makes me feel good that someone else cares what is going on over here.


  1. You need never wonder if we care about what is happening with you there. You're in my heart and mind constantly. Thanks for sharing the regular photos and videos. It helps me feel not quite so disconnected. Je t'aime.


  2. You look beautiful and the kids look very cute. I love the one of you and eithan together. I just had to go awwwwwww. lol.



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