Friday, October 2, 2009

A Bit Rusty.

Just wanted to show and Tell a Little something I've been working on...I took a break from the kids when Dan got home today and escaped to my craft room. I haven't gotten my charcoals out for awhile and decided to give it a go. You can tell it has been awhile....well at least I can! I am a bit rusty. Dan came in to tell me he was on his way to gym, saw my picture, and said he looked like president Obama in my drawing. That definitely was not my intent. Grrr. I guess I will have to do two or three more before I am warmed up again. I'd love to have one of our engagement photos done in charcoal hanging up somewhere. Better keep at it.

Do you have any talents that you've been neglecting lately? Might be a good time to practice again.

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