Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More Handmade Gifts

There are quite a few people I know who are expecting a baby this spring me not included (just making sure I clarified that). And I decided it would be best to be prepared with gifts now ,rather than scramble at the last minute. My last gift, the baby blessing dress and the baby booties were a huge hit! And though these next couple gifts that I've put together are probably not as impressive as that, I am still happy with them.

First I made this reversible nursing cover out of just 4 fat quarters I had picked up from Joanne's during their black friday sale last year. I think they were like .50 cents a piece or something like that. I love the colors and I think my original plan was to make a quilt out of them. However I like this too.

Then I made this portable high chair that I've seen on a couple other blogs. I used this tutorial here. I don't have a baby small enough to fit one right now so just imagine your own little chubby-cheeked pumpkin in there k. It's just 3 rectangles with batting/felt in-between the layers, and then vecro on the waistband piece. Pretty simple. For this I just used some leftover scraps from a previous project and some heart fabric my mom gave me. So it was free! Not bad huh?
Sorry about the bad pictures. It is dark right now but I didn't want to wait til morning for better lighting. So my last post about turning off the flash just went out the window. Oops.


  1. So cute and so functional. You make the greatest baby gifts!

  2. that is so cute, how did you come up with the template? was it trial and error. It's perfect!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your nursing cover...and I LOVE the chair thing! Hmmm...I wonder if I could strap my kids down at church with one of those.

  4. Love this! I will have to show my mother in law...the sewing godess in my life!

    Thanks for popping by my blog!
    You have a cute one too! Following!


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