Friday, March 12, 2010

We've made progress! Bunkbeds are Finally here!

Ok, so they aren't completely finished. We still have to assemble the top bunk, but they are finally to this point. For awhile there I thought we'd never get here. These past couple weeks we've been puttying, sanding, re-puttying, priming, and painting the bunk beds. My original plans were to go with a light teal color but was outvoted by more than one. So we went with the second best, which actually is THE best color in my book. RED! How many things in this house are going to end up this way. Hehe. They look absolutely amazing with the bedding the kid's picked out too!

Here are a couple pictures of the process...
 Setting everything up to get ready for primer

Me working late after the kid's are asleep. We used gray primer so the red would cover more easily. This stuff was THICK and dried really fast too.

Here's it all painted and yummy colored. The weather the day we painted was FAN+TABULOUS! It was in the 60's and sunny and perfect! Couldn't have asked for better weather. We were even able to paint out on the driveway. Oh spring I'd wish you'd come to stay!

And here's where we are now...
The kids look pleased don't they? It feels so good to be halfway there. And doesn't the bedding Ethan picked out for his bunk look perfect with the red?! Kiera's is all stripes in the same color scheme. 

For a little while there we were having some trouble attaching the mattress frame to the headboards because the hole we drilled was too far off and were starting to split the wood. But a little bit on ingenuity and prayer goes a long way. I'm looking forward for it to all be done. I still have that stinkin' recliner to finish. GOT to have it done before my mom comes up to visit in April. I've just GOT TO!


  1. I'm so impressed! These bunks look great and I love the bedding. My son has a blue truck comforter very similar to this one.


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