Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Picnic Table Progress! Almost there!

This is what we did all Friday and Saturday this weekend. Cutting out the crescent shape in the benches, routering all the edges, and then sanding sanding sanding. Monday we spent four hours painting one of the two table sets with two coats. Just one more to go. I'll post finished pictures as soon as we're done.
This project has taken what seems like FOREVER! It was started back in May and is finally in the finishing stages. Just one more set to coat with poly and we're good to go!
It all began when my husband needed a project for his boy scouts to pass off the carpentry merit badges. He said come up with a project and if you can't find anything you can work on this...Well long story short, too many boys showed up without a project so we took on TWO tables. One for us, and one for another lady in our ward. We had no idea it was going to take this long, nor did we expect it to be sooo much work! I am secretly hoping that our efforts are rewarded with more than just a reimbursal for the materials. But then again it was meant to be a service project for the boys. But man oh man, Dan and I spent much more time and effort on these things than planned!
I do have to hand it to the boys though. They had to build their portion without power tools! And I will admit I am excited to have a picnic table in the back yard for BBQ's and picnics that we built. We'll have to wait til next year to use it but oh well.


  1. It looks great!!! Hopefully you can get in a picnic or two before next year. :)

  2. That is an awesome table! I can't wait to see it finished.

  3. You guys are amazing- seriously. I may hire you to make me one. Love it!


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