Thursday, December 16, 2010

Getting to know our new town

Last night was a good night. The hubby has been out of town on business this week and I was worried it was going to be rough. But so far things have worked out. What I thought was going to be a looonnnng and hard day with two kids on my own, turned out to be eventful and enjoyable. Pregnant and all!

We started the morning with Kiera's preschool Christmas party. (I am doing a co-op with a bunch of other moms in the area. We really enjoy it and the price is great!). It was a potluck lunch which was awesome! I didn't have to cook. They had a white elephant gift exchange The kids LOVED their gifts,and they made a Christmas ornament to hang on the tree. We even stayed after and the kids played while I chatted. It was a great afternoon.

When we got home it was nap time. I EVEN TOOK ONE! It was amazing. Then about dinner time we got a knock on the door from one of our neighbors across the street letting us know about the "Santa Run" that the local fire dept. puts on every year. It is a food drive and Santa comes along to make it fun for the kids too. It was that night so we all got our rain coats on and our umbrellas out and stood in the rain waiting for Santa's Firetruck. I think the kids enjoyed being outside in the rain and in the dark more than anything :)

It was cold but fun. The firetruck was all decked out and Santa followed behind on foot to hand out candy canes. Then we all headed back down our little cul-de-sac and went home to finish our cold fish sticks and tater tots. It was a great night.

I took a couple shots outside. They aren't the best since I didn't have time to get the settings right but they work.

The fire truck all lit up, and the guy collecting the bags of food.

Such a happy boy! It is so fun that he knows what's going on this year for Christmas. It makes it so much more fun.

Mommy take my picture! There is a lot of rain on my "brella"

 I see Santa!

Kiera and her neighbor friend. So glad there are kids about her age that she can play with.

Thanks Santa for coming by to visit a week early! The kids loved it!

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