Monday, May 2, 2011

My New (updated) Photo Wall

Today my package of pictures I sent for arrived in the mail! I was so excited. Can I just say I love Snapfish! I upload the pictures I want, request the various sizes and they ship them to me. I love it! No standing there at the photo kiosks forEVER. Which is great since I can't shop with two toddlers and a baby let alone stare at a kiosk screen with them in tow.
So today when I got my package I opened it up and just had to put them up. My photo wall has been a little out of date and it was about time Emma was on the wall with the rest of us.

What do you think?

I don't know what is wrong with my camera settings. All my pictures have been turning out kinda pixely lately. But you get the idea. All the frames I got at goodwill anywhere from $.50 to $1.00. I just spray painted them all black to match. The "FAMILY" frames are done in vinyl lettering and I took out the back cardboard pieces so the wall shows through. Unfortunately my letter "a" frame broke in the move so right now it is a temporary paper "a" scotch taped to the wall. I just printed it from Word and cut it out.

I love updated pictures! Looks so much better and I so enjoy looking at them. It is probably a good things since I spend a lot of time doing that lately with nursing Miss Em.


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