Saturday, November 5, 2011

Zumba Party Success!

Jamie and I in our official instructor get up
 (not pictured but also deserves a huge shout out is Debbie)

I can breathe again! Today was the day! We pulled off our Zumba Party fundraiser for Lauren this afternoon. It was sooo much fun and lots of people showed up to show their support. It was such an honor to be part of it all. Yes, I was in charge of it all but I truly feel overwhelming gratitude for the help and support of so many amazing women who did it with me. They did most of the work. We had so many people donate their time and talents to make this a success. I wish I could list every person one by one and thank them for what they did. We were able to raise a little over $500.00 for Lauren and her family to help with her fight with breast cancer! I hope she can use it for some major pampering because she sooo deserves it!

I hope to get copies of some of the pictures that were taken during the event too. I was much to busy shakin' it to think about my camera. If I do, I'll be sure to post them. Now I am off to get a much needed shower and some sleep.

My heart is full!

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