Monday, December 5, 2011

Our Christmas Tree

I just wanted to post a picture of our tree this year. We put it up the Sunday after Thanksgiving with Grandma and Grandpa Glenn. We usually do white and red lights since I am a RED fanatic. (You should see my Santa collection. Maybe that will be another post.) Unfortunately, our red light strings were burnt out and we couldn't fix them. So this year we ended up going white and blue. I actually quite enjoy it. It is a more wintery feel. I still haven't mastered indoor night shots but this was the best one I got.

I just love how the bottom of the tree is pretty ornament heavy compared to the top. It is sometimes difficult for me to let it be when I want so bad to "fix" it. But the kids just love decorating the tree and are so proud of it when it is done. After all, its what Christmas is all about. One day I will miss this.
This is Emma's first Christmas. It was so fun to watch her.

I paid so much attention to Emma and her reaction to everything that I almost forgot to take pictures of the kids putting the decorations on.

Do you have your tree up yet? When do you put it up?


  1. Love the tree! Beautiful!
    Tis the season for overloaded lower halves - and now that I reread that I think it could have multiple meanings...since I have been indulging in WAY too many hersey candycane kisses. haha!

  2. i like your blog, my blog is http//

  3. I love your big tree! Next year, I'm definitely getting a big tree! WE still have our little one from when we were first married... but it works well up on a little table! I heard your Mom got to come visit! That's so fun! My kids enjoyed an afternoon at her house after Thanksgiving!


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