Wow! 2012 is over?! That was fast. It is now a week into the new year and I still haven't written about our Christmas Festivities. I guess it goes to show you that we've been busy and have been enjoying it. (for the most part anyway...but that's another story).
The kids start school again this coming Monday and this mama is soooo ready! It will be nice for the kids to have that daily routine and structure back. And it will be good for this mommy to have some down time without having to find a new activity after new activity after new activity. We've done a lot of playing with play dough, coloring, making necklaces, or some other kind busy work to keep the kids entertained. You can only say, "go color" or "go play in your room with your toys" so many times before nothing suits them anymore. I don't think I have an ounce of brain power left to come up with anything else.
The weather hasn't helped much either. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for it to dump snow on us so I could send the kids out to play in it! We did go sledding a few days ago; however, we had to drive an hour to find the snow to go sledding on, but we did do it.
Kiera the dalmatian and Ethan the tiger taking a break |
Daddy playing like the big kid he is |
Go Kiera! |
Family shot just as we were leaving. Nice hat hair mom! |
Emma's not to sure about this |
One happy little boy |
As we were leaving Ethan said, "I wish we could stay there forever!" then Kiera said, "it's not fair, I wish it would be like this at our house." Sorry kiddos. At our house we have had nothing but rain and wet with a day or two with some sunshine. It's kinda hard to play outside when you're wet and freezing all the time. So... here's to watching the movie "Brave" for the umpteenth time! (Thanks Santa, we really appreciate it. we really do!). Gonna milk that new movie for all its worth!
I will try and get some more pictures up of our Christmas festivities once the kids are back in school and I have some time to sit down and write about it. Until then....
Great Pics! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow.