Monday, March 4, 2013

I Forgot to Post This...Sock Monkeys

I came across a couple of my I-Phone pics and was reminded of something I forgot to post. I fell into this project by accident really. It came about since I was stuck on my couch for a few day due to an allergic reaction I had had to some antibiotics I was given for a UTI (sorry if that is TMI for any of you). Anyway, I couldn't walk around because the symptoms that I had were muscle and tendon damage in my right quad muscle. The muscle couldn't hold my weight and my leg would buckle if I tried to walk across the room. So... to avoid excessive hopping and dangerous balancing acts I was grounded to my couch to heal up. My friend Kara even came over and babysat me since she knew all too well that I was not one to sit still for long on my own. Thanks Kara!

So the sock monkeys were born!
I found the argyle crew length socks on clearance at Target and thought they would make some cute companions. I found the pattern to make them on Pinterest. (Gotta love Pinterest!!) I made 3 total. One monkey I sent to my prego sister (Who finds out what she's having today!) And the blue one went to a friend and is sitting in their car dash. The purple one has been adopted by Emma and she likes to take it for our rides in the car. I love how they turned out and they were really very easy to make once you knew what you were doing.

1 comment:

  1. I love sock monkey's! I still have the one I got when I was a kid. But I love the idea of making them argyle!


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