Wednesday, July 24, 2013

One of those days....

Why does it take me turning into a mad, crazy woman before my kids take me seriously? And even when I get to that point they still don't take me seriously.

I need a REAL vacation! A week or even just a weekend without kids, fighting, whining, chores, tattles, he did this, or she won't give me my...etc. So tired of Dan's work schedule and tired of feeling stuck without anything to look forward on the weekends because we just don't have those anymore. What is a weekend anyway? Tired of feeling like I can't do what I want because having 3 tag-a-longs would just make it unbearable. There's only so many outings I can take on my own with kids in tow that I can handle before I reach my "DONE" point. This mama needs a break! And not just a 3-4 hour long break. A real honest to goodness multiple day and night kind of break. Oh and a maid to come clean my house and do my laundry while I am gone so I can relax when I get back.

Oh how I wish....

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