Sunday, August 18, 2013

What this mama has been up to lately

I'm just going to post a few quick photos of some of my most recent projects that I have been working on because I need to get caught up with all of Kiera's birthday festivities from this weekend before I head of on my "momcation" to Colorado. I am going to go help my little sister see her BRAND NEW BABY! I am so excited! Almost an entire week of being just me without kids. I don't even think my mind has actually grasped that I am actually leaving and that I am doing this. I don't know what I am going to do with myself! I do love my kids. I really do but I am actually looking forward to spending time on my own just being "Brittany" instead of, "mom! he's not sharing, Mom I'm hungry, Mom can I? on and on. Anyway It'll be fun and I am going to love it!

But here is what I have been up to lately. Some of you may have already seen these pictures since my Facebook page and Instagram seem to get more attention than the blog these days. But if you haven't here they are.
I have taken up machine quilting on my home sewing machine. It is a lot of fun and this week I finished this quilt (it is very similar to the one I made for my sister's baby shower) but it is a tad larger and doesn't have any purple in it. I ship it off tomorrow! I hope it gets loved to pieces! I'm kinda sad to see it go...

I was asked to make some cakes for a daddy daughter combined birthday party where she wanted a combination of "My Little Pony" and Darth Vader. And since I couldn't draw Vader riding the pony we settled on the idea of two cakes. I think they turned out great and the customer was very happy too. I love the rainbow behind Vader the best I think.
We tried making vanilla ice cream in our new ice cream maker that we got from our neighbor. It was a huge success!
Here's a sneek peek at Kiera's birthday cake! It turned out so well!
I also canned 4 jars of dill pickles in the middle of it all. It was fun being able to use cucumbers from the garden. I will more than likely do more when I get back. That is... if my garden survives while I'm gone.      


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