Friday, September 12, 2014

Summer Recap #3 Arlington Fly-In

One thing with being pregnant during the summer is that you don't really feel up to leaving the comfort of the air conditioner to take a walk in the hot sun very often if at all. This was one of those occasions. July 10th-12th this year was the Arlington Fly-In where airplanes come from all over. There are air shows, concessions, and chances to get up close to all sorts of aircraft. We try to go every year just for the making of traditions but this year I stayed home. Dan took the older two while Emma and I stayed home to take a nap. And instead of paying to get into the actual event they went for a walk on the trail around the airport and got some cool shots.

Maybe one of these years we'll pay to go on a ride on this plane, but for now we'll enjoy the view from at a distance

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