Saturday, May 30, 2015

Color Vibe 5K

I ran another 5K this month. It was the Color Vibe run. I have always wanted to do one of these and the opportunity came when I found out they were hosting one right here in Arlington! I joined a team with a few friends and we had so much fun. We even got together and made rainbow colored tutus. Here's the before pictures as I was getting ready to head out that morning. I was trying to get my entire wardrobe in the shot so that's why it's such a unique angle. I wanted to show off my pink bandana I had on my leg (but lessons learned that's not the best place for a bandana. . .I got home only to find it had fallen off during the race and was lost). But oh well, it was still a blast!

Here's our team before the race

Me and Sheila. She serves with me in our ward's Young Women's program. Also the one I went to Time Out for Women Seattle with.

Me and Kristi. Another young women's leader I serve with and have become good friends with

At the start line waiting for the race to begin

We made it! This was probably one of the toughest 5K's I've ever ran before. There were lots of steep hills and even a HUGE flight of stairs to climb. But we did it and it felt great!

A few of the team that I was able to round up for an after shot. You can't tell too much in the picture but we really did get covered during the race in all the colored chalk.

Found another team mate. This is Autumn. We've been friends since Ethan was preschool aged. She was one of the moms I did our preschool mom co-op with. She serves in our Stake's primary presidency too.
a better close-up shot to show how much we really did get colored.

The race was so much fun and I would definitely do it again. This is what I went home looking like. When I got home Ellie didn't know what to think and didn't seem to recognize me.  Maybe I should do this much more often. It's not everyday you can disguise yourself from your children. Might be a good way to escape once in awhile :) As soon as I came back down stairs from showering Ellie was much happier and eager for a hug. It's nice to be loved too.

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