Life has been busy busy around here lately. I haven't had much time to think let alone sit down and write a blog post but I have a few minutes before Emma wakes up and we head out to the pumpkin patch.
The purpose of this post is for me to catch up with what's been going on around here and to reflect more on the simple yet more important things in my life. I get caught up in the rush of things, or what one of my friends from For The Love of Naps likes to call them "the trenches of life" that I forget to be grateful where we are and to treasure what stage or "season" we are in with our little ones.
I have so much to be grateful for and one thing I have been enjoying lately is my mornings with my baby girl. Her and I have been spending Monday Tuesday and Wednesday mornings just the two of us while Ethan is at preschool and Kiera is at school. She is the funniest little girl and is the biggest tease. She is finding her voice these days and every once in awhile you are able to get a coherent word out of her but right now I am loving the mumbles and the grunts and the singing during our morning errands and to and fros.
When Thursday rolls around Ethan and Emma spend a lot of time together. Ever since Kiera started school these two have become best buddies. I hear a lot of giggling in the back when I'm driving the van. Ethan knows exactly what makes Emma laugh and does everything he can to get his sister to smile. And I can't believe how much these two look alike.
This is my most recent project. My neighbor asked me if I would be willing to make a cake for her co-worker's daughter who is turning 1. I of course said yes and am so glad I did. This cake turned out to be adorable! She also ordered 24 matching cupcakes. It is a yellow cake with pink buttercream frosting with a hint of creme de menthe flavoring. MMMmm! Everytime I open the fridge the scent is glorious! The outside of the cake is covered in marshmallow fondant and piped buttercream. It was so much fun to make I can't wait to make another.
I think the cupcakes are my favorite though. I love those bows and mouse ears. I used white pearl sprinkles for the polka dot theme too. I was almost sad to see those cupcakes leave the house. (probably not a bad thing though)
Another project I did this month was around General Conference weekend. At the beginning of the month our church gets to listen to the apostles, prophet, and other leaders of the church. I love this time of year. I love listening to them speak and the spiritual uplift that it is.
In our church we have a women's organization called the Relief Society. We are assigned certain sisters in the congregation that we are stewards over and we are called their Visiting Teachers. It is a way for us as sisters to come together and to look after and serve one another.
I decided since General Conference was coming up I wanted to make a little something for the sisters I visit teach. I made them each their own "Conference Survival Kit" I got the idea somewhere on Pinterest and thought it was so cute. In my kits I had a notebook and pen to jot down notes or spiritual inspiration they recieved during the conference, some boxes of candy and put it all in a basket tied up with a ribbon and note from myself. I got everything from my local Dollar Tree. Each basket cost about $6.
I told my husband what I was doing and he asked if I could make some extras for him to take to his Home Teaching families. It was easy, fun and I think they turned out pretty cute.
This month I have been crazy busy with projects, canning, appointments, teaching Zumba classes 4 times a week, and being mom to 3 busy kiddos. Sometimes I just need to take a break. Ethan no longer takes naps but he does have quiet time when Emma goes down for a nap. That is my chance to throw in a load or two of laundry, wash some dishes and make my attempt and a tidy house.
On one of these occasions Ethan spent his quiet time building a masterpiece. He inherited daddy's old Lincoln logs and is now starting to really enjoy them. While I was out teaching one of my Zumba classes Dan went up to check on Ethan to find this:
Ethan was so proud and Dan was so thoughtful in taking a picture of it for me so I could see it when I got home. And I think too, that Dan is pretty proud of his little boy taking after him. These Lincoln logs were one of Dan's favorite toys growing up.
Well its now time for Emma to wake up. Dan should be home soon for us to go hunt for that perfect pumpkin, enjoy some hayrides, and make some memories. Going to go enjoy some of that crisp fall air but more importantly my little family.
1 week ago
Thanks for the shout out! You are am unbelievable inspiration with all that you juggle! The cake and cupcakes look amazing and you are always doing so many fun things with your kids.
i love hearing all that your cute family is up to! Thanks for taking a minute to post!
Thanks for sharing. I miss you all SO MUCH!
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