Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The half sissor

Have you ever tried to cut a 1 1/2 year olds hair? I did today. I will say it was not the easiest feat. I think I did pretty good considering every time I went to cut hair he'd move his head or hold up his hand and push mine out of the way to stop me. I took much longer than I had planned and the only way I was able to do anything was to keep pushing the cheerios. Hair was everywhere! After I reached a point where I could consider myself finished (or at least pass it off as finished) Kiera wanted me to cut her hair too. I only cut her bangs but at least she felt included in the adventure. Anybody have any tips for the future to make this job less of a battle?


The Mothership said...

I'm a horrible mom and use candy. suckers are good, or hard candies once they are old enough. just make sure it stays in their mouth! I always cut my boys' hair outside, weather permitting.

Kim said...

I am totally with Nicole on doing it outside. But then again, I have no desire to wrestle with a baby to cut hair. We'll see once little boy comes and actually NEEDS haircuts. I won't go near Brighton with scissors for exactly that reason!

Ben May said...

You could always drug him.... Just sayin'.

The Tanks said...

It does get easier as they get bigger. Then they hit about 14 and don't want mom to cut their hair anymore (it's just not cool!), but to my surprise, Nick asked me for a haircut before APEX last night because he wanted a haircut by "someone who knows what they are doing"! He sure scored some brownie points for that one!!!

Jenny-Jenny said...

Buzz it. Outside is the best like N. said. They (little boys, take those clippers nowhere near Kiera) love the noise and the feel and like to "help" and as long as you get everywhere it looks great!

If using scissors, belt into high chair, turn something entertaining on the TV, give candy, expect them to have a perfect cut once per decade and take your time.

Mom said...

You're doing a great job. The more you practice the better you'll get, and the more used to it he'll get as well. Having Dan hold him might help as well. At this point, it doesn't matter if it's a bit longer anyway--he looks cute.

Mom said...

Please don't buzz it! It will never be baby soft again if you do.